The Universal Duality

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One thing I have come to realize over the years is the existence of both feminine and masculine forms of energy in the universe. Just take a look around you—Most of the female species have a male counterpart, and nearly every male can’t function without its female consort. To continue progeniture, it is clear that the existence of male and female organs is paramount. While it is not an absolute necessity, of course, as monoecious exceptions exist, let’s treat this notion based on generality for the sake of the argument.

Even when there were dinosaurs—the alpha lab rats of someone’s experimentation—the same logic held. Even if there is no obvious gender specificity, the existence of male and female organs can still occur in the same body. This hermaphroditism is apparent in 94% of flowering plants.

I mean if you delve further, you will see that everything in the universe follows this pattern. There is always a polar opposite that complements its counterpart. It’s the balance of the opposites upon which the thread of life is woven.

Like the sinusoidal waves—if there is a dip, then there will be a rise. There’s an up to every down. If there is darkness then light must exist. If there is fire, then water exists—a contrasting element to keep it in check. If there is passive energy, there will always be an active form to keep things moving. Black contrasts with white in an impeccable balance. The void exists, and so does compactness. Scarcity thrives alongside abundance. The right and the wrong, or the good and the bad, cannot exist without one another.

If there is an unstoppable force, there is—or will be (if it hasn’t been found yet)—an immovable object to stop it. There will always be a yin to cushion the yang and vice versa allowing the circle to be complete. It is that very circle of perfection that enables everything to sit in its proper place. It’s the balance that has kept everything from going awry.

This reasoning brings us to the larger hypothesis about God. If people conjecture God to be singular, then God must be an amalgamation of this unobtrusive dichotomy. If you believe that God is He, then He can’t exist without the feminine element. If you understand God to be She, then She can’t function without Her masculine peer. This duality is evident in everything on this planet.

Feminine and masculine energies are the two undisputed cores of our existence. One cannot exist without the other. If you haven’t felt them in your life, it’s possible you haven’t truly acknowledged their presence. If you are a girl, then it’s either your father, brother, friend, boyfriend, or husband who helps balance your energy. On the other hand, if you are a boy, it’s probably your mother, sister, friend, girlfriend, or wife who keeps you from falling apart.

This duality is an absolute cosmic necessity. You can even feel these elements within yourself. If gentleness and kindness exist, so too will brutality and cruelty. If there is love, hatred can’t be denied. This undeniable energy must be embraced, for it defines our existence. You can’t resist it—you must accept it as the cardinal inevitability of nature. Never try to change it.

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