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kanch ki macchli image

कांच की मछली

कांच की मछली,कांच में रहती,पानी तो बस ढोंग है,घर है मेरा चार दीवारीरस्ता डामाडोल है | खाना मेरादाना होता,हर सुबह की जंग है,कभी कभी तोकुछ नही मिलतापानी के इस रंग में | सबका व्यंजन,मैं मनोरंजन,भूखे मुझको ताकते, कितनी बड़ी है,कितनी छोटी,अक्सर मुझको आंकते | लोग

caroline hernandez image for au revoir short story by scottshak

Au Revoir – A Short Story

“I am leaving!”, Chara announced solemnly. “For real this time!” The 4-year-old waited at the door for someone to respond. When no one budged, she continued, “And I am not coming back!” No acknowledgement. Nobody seemed to care. She waited patiently with her ears wide

johnson mist photography used for scottshak's poem

Meet me in Paradise

All that I was holding down,All that I was holding up,I let goAnd let them fallOn the groundWhere they belongAmongst other things –Repressed actions,Unlived moments,Unworded words,Undone deeds,And finally be freeTo do what I want to,To feel what I want to,And be what I want to,Not

inside of a well image

कुएँ का मेंढक

कुँए का मेंढकक्या तू जानेदुनिया कितनी गोल रेघर के अंदरसब है सीधाबाहर सब अनमोल रे | तुझे लगता हैसब सीमित हैआशाओं के किले मेंबाहर की दुनियातो लगतीमनोरथ के जिले में | आकाश समंदरसब है नीलेफिर क्यों जानु रंग मैंकिस्मत हो जबमेरी कालीक्यों न पकड़ूँ पलंग

afternoon दोपहर creative photography


दोपहर !तेरे बारे मे कोई न कहे,याद तुझे कोई न करे | तेरे चुपके से आने का इंतज़ार कौन ही करता है ?तू खामखा खड़ा हैचौखट पर,लोटे की ताक मे,तुझे अर्चन देनेकौन ही आएगा ? मुर्झायें डालों परहर अंग सिकुड़ता है,कराहता हर मन,कोसे तुझे ज़ुबाने,बेहिसाब

death creative photography

And This Too Shall Pass…

Death is coming. It is that certainty up ahead that everyone is aware of. You don’t know which day could be your last. Is it today, tomorrow, maybe a few years down the road? There’s an unsaid eventuality lurking in every story. You could be

moon poster for scottshak poem

Where are you tonight?

Truant moon,Absent life,I think of youThis lonely night. Did you finally leaveThe silent sky?To find your loverOf the morning light. Or wane becauseI failed to harkTo the soothing songsOf your moonlight. Didn’t you showHow chirpy daysWould always dieA gradual death? How darker daysWould pave away,A

ant creative photo for once a dreamer article

Once a Dreamer…

I remember some time ago, chasing many dreams. Venturing out into battles, with whatever little I had. The bloke was hungry. He had seen blood dripping out of so many mouths, that he wanted to see how it felt like. There was an insatiable pep

happy new year 2021

The Demise of 2020

Even as the Covidian epoch perishes, and we slither into another elusive timeline, it’s hard not to introspect our actions. Goes without saying, it makes us apprehensive of the things that lay in store for us. What we as humans can possibly do is hope.

Light Effects on Environment

City Lights

Receding life,Night time,Go back to the darkWhere you came from.Put on the lightsFor you can’t seeYour murky alleyOf crimesYou commitEvery day –Deeds you didOn a wild hunch,Just so you could haveYour morning brunchOver a graveyard of corpses.Land of the faunaIs defeated,Trampled down,By human greed.Your home