Indigo: Selected Stories – Satyajit Ray Book Review

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What an extraordinary book! Hands down, one of my most prized possessions to date. What the book primarily does is let you delve into the beautiful and surreal mind of the most legendary writer of his age, Satyajit Ray—a genius whose prowess is praised even today by great directors across the globe. He carried an ensemble of portfolios under his arm, ranging from directing and screenwriting to illustrating, essaying and composing.

Indigo: Selected Stories by Satyajit Ray is a collection of extraordinary short stories that reaffirm his virtuosity as an author. It’s hard not to fall in love with the way Ray thought. Most of the tales have been translated directly from Bengali into simple, easy-to-understand English.

The ideal way to read this book is not to rush through it in a single day, but rather to take your time, as the real joy comes from allowing the excitement and thrill to seep in gradually. Such is the power of Ray’s storytelling that each story captivates you, compelling you to ponder. I couldn’t help but share some of the stories with my mom, who immediately loved them and was eager to hear more.

Out of all the stories in the collection, ‘Khagam’ remains my favorite. I particularly loved how beautifully myth is served with a perfect balance of horror and reality. Then there was the doppelgänger story titled ‘Ratan Babu and that Man’—a story that has left a lasting impression. Absolutely thrilling with a fitting climax with the right amount of horror, capturing a piece of your mind as you find yourself ensnared in its little world right up to the end.

Satyajit Ray’s collection of short stories is a perfect blend of invigorating tales that reflect his out-of-the-box thinking. Some stories are simply enjoyable to read for their sheer fun. Almost every story in the anthology boasts an intriguing climax that keeps you biting your nails in anticipation with the majority leaning towards the supernatural, and others delving into the fascinating world of science and fiction. One cannot help but admire the author’s boundless imagination as he takes you on a wild ride through worlds you never knew existed.

The vivid imagery and the stories’ Indian roots make the narrative so palpable that you easily relate to the author’s brain and are transported through time. Every build-up is beautifully interwoven and as you crawl through the pages you almost secretly know that you are in for a surprise. The real satisfaction comes from the fact that Ray never disappoints. Every story is meticulously crafted and compiled in this anthology making it an exemplary compilation for book aficionados. I wish to read more of his works and consider myself fortunate to have discovered this remarkable book.

Highly recommended if you are a Ray fan! Recommended, even if you are not.

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