Down is Only a Direction

Browse By

When you have places to go,
Miles to walk,
And sometimes, more often than not,
You stumble and fall.
Find your way
Out of the hole,
And somehow, you always,
Get pulled down.
Down is only a direction,
And it’s okay to go there too,
Just as you move left and right
Or row through life
Back and forth.
Waves don’t mind
When they rise and fall.
Every night is a day without the light.
The sun will rise again,
And birds will return
To the same sky.
When you are down,
Shine your shoes,
Tie your laces tighter
For the miles ahead.
Spring to the finish line,
Walk if you can no longer run,
Rest when you can no longer walk.
You will fumble on the rocky path
It will be difficult to stand,
When you fall,
Make merry with the fallen.
Discarded things are still things,
And they will too,
When the tide is low,
Bide on the ground,
And turn around
To float again
With the tables of time.

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