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Category Archives: English Poetry

trust moving in poem by scottshak

Moving In

You wouldn’t know, Would you? You don’t ever read me, Do you? And then talk about How you understand me The way no one does, But she would read me Like what’s going on, And then she would know What’s going in My heart and

lips are sealed mute poetry by scottshak


What’s wrong if I spill myself out? I die tomorrow, don’t you know? Maybe you have all the time in the world, Maybe I am running out, And you have no idea how, But each passing breath is a goodbye From this cold world. And

fighting art


Two men were fighting, So I put a ring around them, And bet on them As people paid To see who would win – I made a fortune.

Ben Zank photography for Scottshak poem no crossing

No Crossing

You have your life, I have mine, Why mess things up? Let us be Where we are. We are seamless now, We might seem less then, When we tie our threads, And end up in a knot. When hearts collide, No one survives, Don’t you

i am a monster poem


You aren’t so close to me That I start whispering secrets In your ears, These secrets are afraid of distance, And if you were near I would be talking to your eyes More than to your ears, I might slip them down your lips, And

the faceless art for scottshak's poem the false protagonist

The False Protagonist

Maybe I read too much In my wilted time, And crumble when I don’t find You, in my pages. Red eyes scour you, Like you were written In there somewhere By my favourite author. Your mere mention Thrills me so, That every face Is the one

image for my player poem by scottshak

My Player

You take out the best in me Then play with it for hours, Fumble me in your fingertips, Poke me with your fun, Hold me so tight That I fear not slipping, But being toyed with For too long. I am written in dust, But

broken eggs chicken poultry image


My, my! What a life! What a life! Bred to breathe A moment, It passes by In a shuteye, And then I realize I am picked up To be ground In a machine Yet again; Did I not just die? Why repeat the cycle again,

spokesman poetry by scottshak


Don’t link people with me, I represent none But one, That’s me, You see, I am my own spokesman, Who speaks words, Which sing of birds With a curse To never fulfill each other, I am a murder Of hopes, On the ropes Of defeat,

mask poem by scottshak

My Mask

Break me apart, Tear into my soul, Teether me away, Crumble me till I let out a teardrop For it is in such moments I am divine, True to myself in my truest form, Vulnerable, Breakable, And yet undeniably powerful, And if you wish to