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Category Archives: English Poetry

the crumpled painting poem by scottshak

The Crumpled Painting

Victim to the human condition,I have been torn,Now scars are bornWhere there used to be a picture.I can’t find it now,I had a story some minutes agoThat someone smudged,And I have no idea why –I don’t understand their ways of life.Subjected to some critical liesThat

wolf feral poem by scottshak


I love the autonomy in you,The power to go outWhenever you feel like,And to stay in when you don’t,While people are tied to a clockThey have never questioned before.How you are not governed by any human life,As if you were your own creation,That anyone who

cosmic poem by scottshak


Words have never been enoughTo fit a story of love,And what it makes you feel inside.You think ecstasy is it,But that barely scratches it,Is it the rapture in your heart?But that barely covers it,And whatever brings euphoriaWhen it ushers in,Or what bliss should all be

my wildflower poem by scottshak


Beware!You are leaving meWith my headAloneI think a lotOf nonsenseWhen you are gone.If I dare make senseThen hear me out,If you hurt yourselfThen cry me outOf your system,It can be done,I have done it too,After a day or twoYou think not much,And you think lessOf

she is a writer poem

She is a Writer

Words so tragic,Letters of magic,She spinsA web so wellShe would putAny writer to shame,Or elicit a nodOf prideFrom her kind,And force a clapFrom brooding eyes,And a thumbs upFrom the wonder keeper.Her brain is a marvelOf thoughts insaneAnd she chugs itLike an engine,Her heart beats through

heart on a plate for unrequited poem by scottshak


Serving you a pieceOf my heartIn a silver platter,Scrummy,And yummy,Filled with promisesOf luscious kissesAnd sweet nothings.You devour itWith your long fingers,And your tongueClicks and clacksIn consent,Which I takeFor love,But wait!Do I hear something?Oh, that’s just a burp,I am so glad you are full,Now your turnTo

tipsy poem


I could be making senseOr talking trash,But behind the maskYou choose not to see,It will always be me.Even when I am sloshedOr hopelessly sober,A part of meWould want to be With you,And why does it matterHow many glasses I devour,I never leave my bodyI am

the parting image farewell for scottshak poem

The Parting

Fractured sleep,Another dream,I try to sleep again,But every time I do,I try so hard,I never wake up to your face.My cup overflows with waterFrom your eyes,Yet I feel something missingFrom my life.Ask him who dies todayWhat it is to live,And what time really meansWhen there

umbrella image for invalid poetry by scottshak


Everything we were,Everything we are,And who we become,Isn’t our hand to play.What is so terribly wrongWith us being who we are?Why do we try to becomeSomeone we are not?We are the same species,We are the same rock,What’s there to be ashamed of our gifts?It must

mermaid painting


I am on a boat with no oars, at the mercy of the flow. It is a surefire fall ahead as a steep and deadly fall awaits my death. I know my fate and have come to accept it. Death has never scared me anyway.