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Category Archives: English Poetry

image of a noose as a tie

That Place You Visit Everyday

Walls are closing in, Everyday I am here I smother myself a little, Yet I shoehorn myself in Into the world’s most hated place; When you are not in love, Everything turns into distaste. Aren’t we checking into a stockade Of chasm to find our

Kids running in a field image for utopia


When you are loved for every breath you make, Praised for every step you take, When you ask you get your own realm of space, When you walk and you reach a place, When you talk and they lose the presence around, When you are

image for the burrowers poem

The Burrowers

What world? We have a world of our own, It isn’t as bright, It is devoid of light, But we can see, Unlike you. Isn’t that the dream? We feed on what you leave, We live on what you love, We leave nothing like you

an abstract image to depict diversity in people

Boundaries and Walls

People seek ‘their’ people in people When they get lost in an uncaring lot. They wear symbols to stand out, Carry clothes that talk loud of a place Demarked on a patch of land called home. They smile, when they do, at their reflections, And

pair of insane eyes image

Insane Eyes

Eyes of glory, Eyes with a story, You hold my gaze with reflections of a star; I think they are diamonds you wear for eyes. If you hadn’t turned around for a furtive glance, I might have failed to notice your eyes looking into mine,

image of a baby for children of pain

Children of Pain

I know it is hard to get, But those little soft fingers You have rolled up in your palms Are anything but innocent; They have scraped against someone’s insides; You have come from a place of pain. They have suffered in silence When you were eating

image of a road for the road poem

The Road

I am walking.I think I am;The road walks the other way.A tiny kiosk sells death in all sizesWhile people flock in huge numbers to die;They ask for their favorite cigarette flavors.A girl preens her hair trying to findWhat she doesn’t look like in a vehicle’s

image of a brain painting for unto comprehension

Unto Comprehension

People often implore; They want words to eat that make sense. They seek this from a twisted man Who is trying to understand What words mean in his head As they twine and whine and intertwine To spit out what glib isn’t, And the profound

image of a child painter drawing

The Dream Slayers

Remember, when I brought my vivid painting to you With hopeful eyes to see what you thought of it? I came to you to seek your genial nod at things I could make. Remember, how you laughed at my shoddy house, at a skewed face?

an image of a knife removing the silent letter k

The Silent Epigram

When letters go silent in a word Where do they go? Do they ever make it out? How do people know That they are there? Not just anywhere, Hiding somewhere In a world of words In plain sight, And yet no one values their existence,