Blessed are Crying Men

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It’s okay sometimes
To show your tears,
Know your tears,
And the place they come from.
It is what makes you
What you are.
How long do you plan
To rest in a bottle?
Let everything out
Smash it to pieces— 
Fall to the ground
Make a mess,
Vent it all out.
Your boat is caught in a storm,
It’s okay to freak out.
Everything you were told
By the tolls of time,
By the strength of the bold,
And the roars of the lions.
When you were asked to hold
Everything inside,
And not to yield
To the tremors of your eyes,
And were made to believe
A straight-up lie— 
That men don’t cry!
They were only
Building an army
Of inhuman humans
Beasts of bestial bones— 
You were never one of them.
Men do cry,
And it’s completely fine.
It’s okay to let the guard down,
And find a corner,
Emotions are a privilege,
Not a gender divide.
The bravest are the men
Who know how to feel,
And know when to let go
Of the squall inside.
Real strength lies
In crying your eyes out,
Dancing with the tempest,
Wiping those tears away,
Then picking up the pieces,
Holding on to the mast,
And sailing again— 
Through the eye of the storm,
In hopes to find the shore
And persist
Despite the rain.

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