Bad Samaritans

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Change that man
Turn him into someone else—
We didn’t like the first guy anyway.
He smiled too wide
Looked too happy.
Wipe that grin from his face,
Okay, let him keep half of it.
We aren’t monsters—
But let’s make him one.

Bulge his eyes,
Burn his ears,
Slap his cheek so hard
It rings forever.
Crush his confidence
So he regrets stepping out
And rue each day he wakes.

Pluck all the flowers
From his garden, 
Replace them with thorns,
Let him bleed.
Starve him of everything he loves
Tear down his happy place

What’s the limit of woe?
Let’s hand it to him.
Test his patience,
See when he breaks,
When he gives up on life—
On his own.

It’s fun when he curses,
Kicks his legs in defeat,
Let his eyes dry up,
Run out of tears.
Make him shudder
Each time he looks in the mirror,
Remembering the good times,
Dying every hour inside.

Make sure he sulks in pain,
Let him be grumpy,
Give him hope—
Fill his head with optimism,
The idea that he’s fine
Then sneak despair in
Until he feels nothing at all.

Let the images from the past
Remind him how fast
Time can change
How he can never have
What he had.

Laugh at his plight,
Watch him fight
Nothing but his thoughts,
That can never go right
Measure his patience
On the scales of savagery.

Let him pick up the pieces
When we shatter him
Into a thousand shards 
Scatter his remains 
In fields of misery.

We are the killers of joy
Patrons of despair
We turn the tables
On men who dare to believe
That everything will always be alright—
Until all that’s left
Are hollows of broken dreams.

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