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All posts by Scottshak

children playing near lake

Summer Days

There was a reason why Shyla loved summers. It was only during the summer break that she could be with her distant cousins who would arrive in Channipur to spend their holidays. It was only during their time in the village that the otherwise dull

nashpati poem featured image for scottshak's poem


नाशपाती नाशपाती,विश्वासघाती नाशपाती,मिठास के आड़ में दे जाती एक विचित्र स्वाद यह नाशपाती। खाने में न मिलेगा कोई साथी, क्योंकि सामने रखी है नाशपाती,उठा उठा कर अकेले खाओ, फल है भाई यह आत्मघाती। जा कर चुपचाप बैठ जाती, चढ़ कर यह मेरे छाती,भुलाने को तो

jumping between books - the jumpy book thoughts

The Jumpy Book

I can’t hold your attention anymore,You always stop to read what the other book has to say,Constantly jumping between conversations.I am often forced to wonderWhich one do you hold the mostDear!I can’t make out What your mystery smile tries to sayAnd whose words bring you to

Irving Penn's photo for Scottshak's musing 'food for thought'

Food for thought

Out of the most cardinal human chores, it is no mystery that eating remains one of those rudimentary purposes that clearly stand out. Primarily because of how it makes you feel, you know, when you put a morsel in your mouth, it’s the taste that

lost boy photo for scottshak's poem

Lost Boy

Lost boy! Lost boy!Where did you go?Your world seeks you,But you barely know. You went up the mountains,Didn’t tumble down,You liked it up there,Why’d you touch the ground? You raced through the meadowsAnd rolled on the grass,You sang new songsAway from the mass. You went

Dorothea Lange image for Scottshak's musing post


I am in awe of my mother. The way she has taken care of me during these difficult times is remarkable per se. To say that I have been one of those lucky ones who have been pampered throughout my life would be an understatement.

aram-vardazaryan-all-seeing-eye-image for scottshak's musing

Being in Charge

I guess what I really like about unhindered mornings is the very ability to ease into them. When there is no rush to go anywhere, no doctors to meet, no deadlines, no alarms bawling at you, and no food or meds to be taken at

Tommy Ingberg photo for scottshak's poem

एक पत्र कर्क को

कर्क तूने खुद बड़ा हो करमुझे इतना सा बना दिया | कितना गरम था यह मिज़ाज तूने नरम ही बना दिया | रातों की गायब नींद को तूने झट्ट से सुला दिया | जल्दी से बड़े होने की दौड़ कोतूने अपना ही बना लिया ?

image for the stars in our eyes musing by scottshak

The Stars in Our Eyes

The concept of the human body analogy against the cosmos has often bowled me over. The similarities are uncanny if you take a look at the way some nebulae imitate the appearance of a human eye. Finding the Helix nebula reaffirmed the semblance further as