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All posts by Scottshak

painting by Nikolai Yaroshenko for Scottshak's musing

14 Years of Pathos

Emotions generally begin to impress on you at a very tender age. I was fortunate to have developed that appetite up young. Some might call it a curse to understand and feel for the characters of stories so early. But I have always treated wisdom

train of thought short story image

Train of Thought

As Vivek eagerly awaited his delayed train on the platform, he couldn’t help but wonder about his profound love for train journeys. He tried to recollect how it was never just about the mode of travel as a child, but rather the entire immersive experience

clothesline image for scottshak poem by kuntal Biswas


A family of clothesHanging out in the sun,Taking in all the light,With it, the delightAnd the warmth of kinship.Unclipped for freedom,Jiving to the tunes of the wind,Rising and fallingWith the ocean waves. Failed to noticeA gust of wind,Blowing a shirt downWhere it lies with the

obsession art for scottshak's musing

Kill Your Fixations

I have noticed that no one sticks to their obsessions for a longer duration of time. We might be crazy about one thing, give it a few months or years for that to matter, and suddenly, you are over it. There have been many instances

image of a man sprinkling ash for scottshak's musing

Turning Things Around

Recently, I got to visit a dhām, a sacred place where devotees throng in large numbers. Since it is quite popular, being squashed by people is obligatory. The experience that was supposed to be rewarding on day one ended up being sour, due to the

your embrace poem minimalist sketch for scottshak's poem

Your Embrace

This body might’ve embraced many,But nothing compares to your warm caress,All the cells in my body affirm,They sing love songs of yoreWhose tremors are felt underneath the layersRight where the soul lurks –It feels at peaceThat it often forgets exists,Every organ prepares to mergeTo unite

Writer's Block Image

The Writer Who Doesn’t Write

So many words in my mouthThat don’t come out,When there is so much to say,I choose to obeyMy lethargic mindThat tries to findReasons to not pick up my pen,While all my menWait for a storyAround a campfire of glory,That were to put me on a

samosa poem in hindi


ए समोसे!उधर अकेले क्यों खड़ा है?आज फिर से आलू खा कर तेरा पेट बड़ा है।जरा इधर भी तो आ,वह आलू हमें भी तो चखा!पापी तो बस पेट है, हमने थोड़ी ही कोई पाप किया है,पापी तो तू है, जो सामने आ कर भी अपनी ज़िद

rumali roti roomali roti poem by scottshak

रुमाली रोटी

“रुमाली रोटी! आज फिर तेरी याद आयी रे!” मन अचरज में पड़ाकी इतनी पतली हो कर भी तू कैसे भर देती पेट मेरा?रूमाल की हरकतें देख कर है तेरा नाम पड़ा, कई बार तो मैं धोखा खा कर जेब में तुझे ले चल पड़ा। न

still shot of a banana creative photography

The Dying Son

When a flower wilts,It hurts the bee,So does it bother the thirsty,When the last drop of the river dries,Oars are no longer worthy,Does the boat forget its journey?Does the plant remember its child?Or the bee forgets to rueThe loss of a good thing in its