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All posts by Scottshak

unto the clouds poem by scottshak

Unto the Clouds

Clouds above,Clouds below,And clouds within,Run wildIn a torrential ride.Winds of timePush them aroundTo help them find their place,But clouds still raceRestless,Like little woolen ballsThat cats fail to chase.Dancing above a bluish maze,They often hang outWith the lonely sun.Their blades of furLight up like fire then,And

dog eternal mourner

The Eternal Mourner

I have seen mighty minds crumble, the sane go insane, and the resolute losing their temper, the brave becoming wimps, faces being forgotten and children absconding. Now that I think of it, all of it has happened around me. When I dip my head into

hiding creative photography scottshak poem

Hiding in Plain Sight

What do you hideBehind those golden eyes?It kills me insideTo not have that knowledge.So many secrets hiddenIn plain sight,Whilst here I thoughtI was a man with the key,But I stay locked outside.Unable to see The real you,As you paint a picture of trustThat I mustLearn

ham on rye paperback cover

Ham on Rye Book Review – Charles Bukowski

Absolutely loved it! A beautiful perspective of an introvert child who could see the real face of the world, up young, and sunder out all the bullshit that one has to go through growing up. The coming-of-age story is basically all the thoughts we had

ticking bomb poem

Ticking Bomb

I am only a moment awayFrom disappearing into my life,Never to return again,Despite who dares to cry.My wilderness of sorrowCalls me every night,And wishes to keep me companyInside its cold heart.I breathe on gloomAs if it were my fuel,And I can’t be happy all the

oprisco photography for scottshak's time out poem

Time Out

Here I lie, on the ground,Wallowing in, without a sound,A river of your mirth,I dive in for a rebirth,And come out a changed man,With a yearning in my throat,To call my insides out,But can’t,For you wantA time out in the quiet,Where my company is not

caged girl photo for a scottshak poem

बोल पड़ी मैं

मैं गूंगी पतझड़ कीना जाने किस वन कीठहर गया कोईआंगन में मेरेकोई परिंदा दामन से मेरे बाँध गया मुझे रूह से अपनी झांक गया मेरे तन मन को कह न सकी मैं गूंगी थी मैं की रुक जा परिंदे सुन ले तू मेरी पर नहीं

a photograph by Kyle Thompson for Remnant poem by scottshak


“I hail from Sandess. My planet is up there, amongst the stars.” he said pointing towards the starlit sky. “We were warriors known for our resolve. Warriors of Doom, they would call us. Our bellows resounded through the entire universe. We were so compelling that

self taught poem by scottshak


I blame you for messing me up,For making me impalpable,For not letting me learnHow to live in this crazy world,For making me anxiousEven when misery isn’t aroundTo be my friend,And I have trouble trusting people now,For you left me scarred so badI am numb to

The Hive - photo for good times poem

Good Times

It is the now in your eyes,The then in my cries,That dictate our livesDuring good times. Coz circles then makeA hazier lake,And I can’t really wakeUp on the inside. The fog that’s around,You cannot be foundFor you are spellboundBy its inside. And you choose to