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All posts by Scottshak

image for pimple poem by scottshak


Hogging my space,On your face,Lives a minor inconvenience –A pimple on the shell,A little piece from hell,That only appearsWhen I think of love,For it nudges my lipsWhen I want a kiss,It gives me blood,But gives you love,For it has found a spotRight on that cheekWhere

image for Piece of mind poem by scottshak

Piece of Mind

I wake up every morning,Nauseous and knowingOf a badgering that goes rogue in my head.While the path up ahead,Twists and twinesEvery logic I have in my tread. I falter my wayWith the image of a day,That can’t seem to forget the night,For the night was

matchsticks for passion-hate poem


Crawling towards a goal,Whilst the world drifts clueless,Living in a hole,I might be a bit less Than what makes them happy,I have often loud wondered,Their lives could be crappy,Hadn’t our makers blundered. “If it were all a study,What remains to learn?What peeves you O buddy?Don’t

matchstick image for manmaani poem by scottshak


कभी रोका ही नहीं ,कभी टोका ही कहाँ ?खुले मैदान में दौड़ लगाने से ,पत्थरों की बिछी चादर पर ना जाने कितने कांटें थे ,सब चुभ जाने थे ,सब छिप जाने थे मेरी चौकस नज़रों से ,आवाज़ बन कर चिल्लाने थे ,आंसू बन कर बह

where the vile things hide

Where the Vile Things Hide

Unrest brews in my cup today. Life scares me to death. I am constantly harrowed by all the set of events that gradually arrays with bugles and trumpets winking at an announcement. A hereafter that I can’t see, awaits. The very idea of a hazed

hemlock poem by scottshak


Drawn to love,For he has hated enough,And sulked in his very own story,Like a hero who mustLearn to trust,These details aren’t as gory. What do you call a fool,Who tries to ruleA world he has lost twice?And he rolls still,In hopes to millA six out

surreal photography for ordinary man poem by scottshak

Ordinary Man

Ordinary man,Go back to your ordinary life!Did you eat today?Did you sleep as muchAs you did yesterday?Did you say those words,You said so many times,You forgot what it means now?Did you breathe enough,So much that you took life for granted?Did you play a game to

unto the clouds poem by scottshak

Unto the Clouds

Clouds above,Clouds below,And clouds within,Run wildIn a torrential ride.Winds of timePush them aroundTo help them find their place,But clouds still raceRestless,Like little woolen ballsThat cats fail to chase.Dancing above a bluish maze,They often hang outWith the lonely sun.Their blades of furLight up like fire then,And

dog eternal mourner

The Eternal Mourner

I have seen mighty minds crumble, the sane go insane, and the resolute losing their temper, the brave becoming wimps, faces being forgotten and children absconding. Now that I think of it, all of it has happened around me. When I dip my head into

hiding creative photography scottshak poem

Hiding in Plain Sight

What do you hideBehind those golden eyes?It kills me insideTo not have that knowledge.So many secrets hiddenIn plain sight,Whilst here I thoughtI was a man with the key,But I stay locked outside.Unable to see The real you,As you paint a picture of trustThat I mustLearn