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Monthly Archives: December 2021

The Blind Men

When she hurts,They close their eyesAnd pretend to be – the blind men,She is in pain,Can’t you see?What happened to you, my kind men? They cajole her oftenTo their command,“Tired are you? Sleep-tight men!Need some food?”Maybe all the time,Isn’t that right, famished men? She is

touching water in autumn photo for scottshak's poem


खोजूं तेरे समभावशब्दों की धुरी में, तेरी आदतों में छिपती हैमेरी परछाइयों के निशाँ |तू सर्द में है वो मख़मली कम्बल,ओढ़ते ही जो भुला दे दिन रात का पता |हरारत में तेरी उँगलियों के छींटे,सौंप दे जो ओस की सीत्कार,तू शब्द है ऐसे प्रचंड,लगते ही

photo for a poem of scottshak

A Poem

How would you rather have me?Between the words of a meterOr in a misshapen form.Fighting a war with syllablesOr ridden with adjectivesWith allusions galore.Do you like me in a rhyme?Or prefer me not in a noteTo a metrical song.Do you want to sell me?In the