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Monthly Archives: July 2019

where the vile things hide

Where the Vile Things Hide

Unrest brews in my cup today. Life scares me to death. I am constantly harrowed by all the set of events that gradually arrays with bugles and trumpets winking at an announcement. A hereafter that I can’t see, awaits. The very idea of a hazed

hemlock poem by scottshak


Drawn to love,For he has hated enough,And sulked in his very own story,Like a hero who mustLearn to trust,These details aren’t as gory. What do you call a fool,Who tries to ruleA world he has lost twice?And he rolls still,In hopes to millA six out

surreal photography for ordinary man poem by scottshak

Ordinary Man

Ordinary man,Go back to your ordinary life!Did you eat today?Did you sleep as muchAs you did yesterday?Did you say those words,You said so many times,You forgot what it means now?Did you breathe enough,So much that you took life for granted?Did you play a game to