Do you not see me When I am around? When you trip me over I fall and break to hundred pieces, How can you be so blind That you fail to see me Sprawled out on the ground? I am looking for comfort In your
Do you not see me When I am around? When you trip me over I fall and break to hundred pieces, How can you be so blind That you fail to see me Sprawled out on the ground? I am looking for comfort In your
Words feel smaller, They still call her; You are hazier, I am crazier Than before, And I don’t know, How many lives ago Were you there, Twinkling like a star In my sky. I am a life unlived, Hoping a vision clearer, Things were never
Work, I could bring you home, But you wouldn’t stay; I am a man Who knows your secret too much, And you would hear my thoughts, I talk that much. I hate the idea of you To be done, You are a serpent The world
Consumed, Confused, I lie awake, My life’s at stake, I am back to ground zero. They say there’s no hero; I tried to be one, Son of a gun! They are all blind! My eyes couldn’t find Hope to keep me up at night, Or